Project Details
- Current status of the project: Completed
- Project partner: adelphi | AREC | TERI | STENUM Asia
- Project started date: 2016
- Project completion date: February 2020
With the aim of increasing the efficiency of local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the metal sector, by applying the concept of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP), the METABUILD project funded by the European Union (EU) Switch Asia Program was launched in March 2016.
The project is implemented by a consortium comprising organizations from India, Germany, Austria, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. National Cleaner Production Centre, Sri Lanka (NCPCSL) is the local implementing partner for the project.
The project which is to be completed in 2020 seeks several outcomes which includes national level capacity building through TOT (training of the trainers) programs, resource saving and environmental compliance, industrial competitiveness in the global market and boosting the image in the international market by translating the success stories into case studies.