Project Details
- Current status of the project: Completed
- Project partner: UN Environment
- Project started date: December 2014
- Project completion date: May 2016
This is a two-year project, funded by UNEP aiming to embed sustainability at strategy level and change the business models. The Eco Innovation Methodology examines the whole value chain of a company to identify key areas and enhance their economic, environmental and social performance. Under this project, six (6) SMEs were selected and applied the concept of capacity building among SMEs to drive towards environment, social & economic sustainability through eco-innovation.
Specific objectives this project are:
- Introducing environmental sustainable technologies;
- Increasing capacity to enhance resource productivity and waste minimization;
- Reducing the post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables;
- Contribution to the Technical Helpdesk for National LCA databases
- Promoting low carbon/indigenous food processing techniques adapted to current situation
The project led to improve the livelihood of the regional farmers and small industries in Sri Lanka. A better information sharing was established among farmers and SMEs to reduce post-harvest losses of agri products. Furthermore, resources usage was reduced through optimization/ innovation along the value chain.