Project Details

  • Current status of the project: Ongoing
  • Project partners: adelphi | PARLEY | STENUM Asia | TERI
  • Project started on: 2020
  • Project completion: 2024

With the aim of preventing leakage of wastes into the Lakshadweep Sea from tourism industry inline with Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) approach, the PROMISE project funded by the European Union (EU) SWITCH Asia Programme was launched in January 2021.

The project is being implemented in 3 countries viz. Sri Lanka, India and Maldives by a consortium of 6 partners from Asia and Europe. The project coordinator is the Maldives National University (MNU), Maldives. NCPC Sri Lanka is the implementing partner in Sri Lanka for the project.

Project Activities

  • Map out and identify the sources and consequences of marine litter along the Lakshadweep shorelines.
  • Support MSMEs from tourism clusters in the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India in implementing waste minimization options in their business operations and overarching strategies.
  • Enable access to finance for MSMEs to implement high-cost waste minimization options.
  • Strengthen regional policy frameworks for waste management in coastal areas and contribute to reduced waste generation and littering in all three target countries.
  • Conceptualization and initiation of ‘Lakshadweep Zero-Waste Alliance’.
  • Sensitize wider stakeholder network about the approaches to waste prevention.

Target Group and Stakeholders

PROMISE Forum for Sustainable Tourism & Plastic-free Oceans

For more information about the Forum visit “

For more information about the project visit:Project Website: