Consultant Development in Sound Chemicals Management & Safety
based on IOMC Toolkits
Why choose this training?
Elevate your expertise and credibility in sound chemical management and safety practices through this specialized consultant development program. Gain access to cutting-edge insights and practical tools based on IOMC Toolkits, ensuring you’re equipped to address industry challenges effectively and advance your career to new heights.
Target Audience
- Industry Leaders responsible for overseeing chemical management and safety practices within their organizations.
- Educators involved in teaching and training future professionals in the field of chemical management and safety.
- Researchers engaged in scientific research related to chemical management and safety.
- Recent Graduates seeking to enter or advance their careers in industries requiring expertise in chemical management.
- Consultants offering expertise and guidance in chemical management and safety practices to organizations.
- Government Officials involved in regulatory compliance and oversight related to public health and environmental protection.
Course Content
- Vital Aspects of Sound Chemicals Management and Chemical Safety
- Chemical Hazard Management: Identification, Assessment, Prevention, and Preparedness
- Ensuring Safe Chemical Handling, Storage, and Spillage Control with Local and International Standards of Regulatory Mechanisms
- Developing Risk Management Plans and Implementing Mitigation Measures in Industries.
- Management of Chemical Wastes and Best Practices.
- Implementation of GHS Labelling in Industries and Case Study Analysis
- UNEP Methodology on Responsible Production
- Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry and their Applications
- UNIDO Chemical Leasing Toolkit and Success Stories
- Navigating ISO 45001:2018 Requirements for Effective Safety Management Systems in the Workplace
Dates and Venue
This is a five (5) days programme from
27th to 31st May 2024.
- Two-Days Online Program: Gain first-hand experience and in-depth knowledge directly from international experts.
- Two-Days Classroom Sessions at Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), Colombo 8.
- One-Day In-Plant Assessment: Explore a large-scale manufacturing plant to witness real-world applications.
Certificate and Fees
A certificate will be issued after evaluating participants and conducting continuous assessments throughout the course.
Course fee:
- LKR 48,500/= per person (Inclusive of course materials, meals, refreshments and industry visit).
- Participants are required to register for the programme by paying a registration fee of LKR 5,000. The remaining balance must be settled before the commencement of the training programme.
- The enrolment will be on a first come first served basis.
How to enrol?
Secure your seat now by promptly completing the registration form and seizing this invaluable opportunity.
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If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact
Ms. Abirami Senthuran, Senior RECP Expert on 074 023 9344, Email: abirami.ncpc